Join us on the Babocomari River, a tributary to the San Pedro River, as we work in partnership with a private landowner and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to enhance beaver habitat. In order to help restore the riparian area, we will be building PALS (post assisted log structures) in the stream bed to help slow, spread and sink water across more of the waterway by installing posts, augering holes, and cutting posts to length. Due to the time of year, come prepared to get wet feet and muddy pants. Further restoration with native plantings and pole cuttings will take place in the future at this same location once cattle have been excluded with fencing. Please note that this restoration workshop is in a remote location and we will not have access to running water or a flush toilet. WMG will provide water jugs from which to refill your water bottle. This event is organized through WMG’s River Run Network (RRN). Members work together to learn about and steward our creeks and rivers through creek walks, restoration activities, river clean-ups, and educational workshops. If you are not yet a member, we will add you to the RRN when you register for this event. Membership is free and includes a regular e-newsletter with upcoming events.
Friday Feb 16, 2024
Date and Time
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM MST